India Fund Performance Compared to Index -Sensex(in %)
* move mouse over the graph to view data on any particular date.
[+-] Asset Allocation Chart

* Beta version, started on Jan/2010 as an trial. Currently contains very limited data. Read more about this chart in the post

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Those Calling for the Death of Value Investing Are Wrong

“The Death of Buy and Hold” flashes on the screen on CNBC…
Normally, seeing editorialized headlines touting the end for value investors on financial TV wouldn’t be a shock – but that latest television segment is just the last nail in the coffin for an investing strategy that’s been taking a lot of heat in the past year.

“I just don’t think that [buy and hold] is a wealth building strategy any longer,” says a major financial blogger. “These days, value as an investing strategy is dead,” says another.

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